Vacation Update

Hey everybody! We’re on vacation down here on the beautiful Gulf Coast — If you want to see some pictures, check out my sister’s blog here. So far:

We’ve had one crab bite casualty.

One jellyfish casualty.

Both of which were my husband.

Lots of sun – but no burns yet! Thank goodness for SPF 1,000!

We’ve eaten 1,000,000 calories – mostly Dr. Pepper and Krispy Kreme and Publix Key Lime Pie. Yea! Southern food!

Hopefully I can get pictures from my sister and sister-in-law and be able to put them on Flickr soon!

Sunscreen? Check. Beach Towel? Check. Bronchitis? Check.

Wouldn’t you know it? Just a few days to vacation and I’ve got an upper respiratory infection. I’ve been feeling bad for a couple of weeks, but I thought it was just allergies. A couple of days ago, I started getting that burning cough and on Tuesday, I felt horrible. I left work early and went home to take a nap.

So I decided to call the doctor’s office to see if I could get in Tuesday afternoon. No such luck – but they did have open appointments on Wednesday – would 6:45 work? “In the morning?” I asked. Yes – in the morning. So yesterday morning I rolled into the doctor’s office at 6:41 (very proud of myself, actually) and got some antibiotics and sympathy from my doctor. Today I am feeling much better, thank goodness!

Now I have a ton of stuff to do before we leave – laundry, clean the house, take Binki to be boarded . . . Anyway, a bunch of stuff. It’s amazing all the things you feel like you need to do before you go on vacation – by the time I finish all the packing, purchasing, preparing, cleaning and driving, I’ll be in dire need of a vacation!

Where It Burns

The local theater chain around here is called Wehrenberg Theaters. It is, evidently, a family-owned business from way back in the day because before every movie, they show pictures of their theaters in the early days – the first theaters, the drive-ins and now the traditional movie megaplex. Then a little jingle plays, signaling that you have survived all the commercials, previews, movie trivia and music videos and now it’s time to watch the movie you just spent $50 (including drinks and popcorn) for the family to see.

The jingle goes like this: “Wehrenberg . . . Wehrenberg Theaters!” Then a voice whispers “Wehrenberg . . .” Very dramatic.

When the jingle plays, my boys sing along: “Where it burns . . . where it burns in a theater!” And then of course, they whisper (loudly) “Where it burns!” Not as dramatic. Slightly embarrassing, actually.

So if you’re in St. Louis at a movie and someone’s kids are singing “where it burns,” please accept my apologies and do not make eye contact with these children. It only encourages them, and then I have to hear “where it burns in a theater!” for the rest of the day.

Confession Time

In the comments of the previous post, my (younger) sister Leslie apologized for making me clean up our room when we were younger. But what she doesn’t remember (I think) is me making her clean up the room under the guise of playing games. So maybe I’m the one who owes her an apology! In order to cleanse my soul, I’ll share with everyone the games I tricked her into ‘playing.’

Red Light, Green Light: Basically, tell the kid to pick up as many toys as he/she can after you say ‘green light’ and before you say ‘red light.’ Pretty straightforward and you don’t even have to be paying much attention unless the kid is cleaning up something hazardous. Then again, you may want to rethink that or furnish some personal protection equipment. My boys are too old for this one now – they’ve got this trick figured out. And they’ve outgrown their haz-mat uniforms.

Pick up everything that’s purple (or pirates or cars or dinosaurs. . . you get the idea). This one still works for Matthew, and it kind of breaks the overwhelming task of cleaning down into a more manageable task. I use this one on myself to clean the house – say, every room that has a sink or just the upstairs or just the downstairs. Then I reward myself with some chocolate and forbid the children from entering the clean area of the house. This lasts approximately 30 seconds – long enough for Matthew to decide the clean area would make an excellent pirate-dinosaur battleground and then suddenly, there are skeletons and dinosaurs and pirate ships everywhere.

Anyway, I feel better now. Glad I got that off my chest! Sorry Leslie, for tricking you into cleaning the room, but after all, what are older siblings for?

P.S.: If anyone feels the need to share some of their games/ideas/tricks to get their kids to clean up — comments are open!


Matthew was instructed to clean up toys today. Here are some of the things he felt inclined to share while cleaning:

I am so tired. This makes me so tired. I haven’t slept in MONTHS!

This is too much. There are too many toys.

Brandon, I order you to clean up my playroom!

I can’t do this! I have small hands!

I can’t believe I have this many toys! Oh, just throw them away!

Oh, why did I have to play pirates?

Changes, Again

I know, I know . . . I keep changing the blog design. This one is giving me fits – the widgets on the sidebars aren’t doing what I want them to do, but hopefully I can remedy this soon.

Anyway, the new widget on the right side is a feed from Pandora. Pandora is part of the music genome project, but best of all – free music! Maybe I’m a little behind the curve if you’ve already heard of it, but it has been a lifesaver for me at work – I can stream music all day which makes working a little more tolerable. You choose the artist/song you would like to hear and Pandora matches that up with other songs that might be to your musical liking. You can veto or approve songs/artists so Pandora can learn what types of music you would like to hear. And I’m sure all this information is being funneled directly to the super-secret government information collection agency, which already has a file cabinet full of stuff on me, like what books I’ve bought from Amazon, which movies I’ve rented at Blockbuster, as well as photos of me running red lights, getting cash from the ATM and stories of my parenting mis-adventures right off this blog.

I’ll continue to work on fine-tuning the blog – hope you have a happy 4th of July!

Saying Goodbye to Basement Lake

Remember Basement Lake? From March? Yeah – it kept returning and returning, even after the installation of a sump pump due to all the wet weather we’ve had the past few months. Evidently, sump pump guy didn’t know what he was doing, and a few weeks ago (remember flooded window well?) the basement flooded again. Now, we’ve saved the carpet, we think, because it doesn’t smell moldy – thank goodness! But it could be that the toxic mold has destroyed our senses of smell and we’re being poisoned daily by insidious mold spores. One or the other.

So right now, about 1/4 of our media room floor is missing because someone jackhammered it out today so that they could place a French drain under the low point in the floor so that it would drain properly into the sump pump. Understand?  Then the concrete has to be replaced, the carpet re-laid and a decorative box placed over the sump pump so it is more aesthetically pleasing. I plan on putting a plant on top of it.

It rained again tonight but everything in the basement is dry. For now. I’m sure as soon as the last corner of the carpet is tacked down, we’ll enter seven years of drought and the sump pump will never kick on, causing it to break down and then when said sump pump is needed, it won’t work. That’s how my luck is going right now.

So the goals are to a) have the concrete poured so it can dry in the next week or so; b) go on vacation knowing that the sump pump will prevent Basement Lake from forming again; and c) not worry/talk/dream about sump pumps while I’m on vacation.  Because if Basement Lake returns, I will not be responsible if the sump pump meets an unexpected and untimely demise, from an ax or something like that.

Binki Issues Another Statement Regarding the Mockingbirds

ST. LOUIS — Binki released a statement this afternoon amid allegations of her own misconduct and possible instigation of the vicious mockingbird attack:

I wish to put to rest any rumors and untruths beginning to surface regarding my prior interactions with the neighborhood mockingbirds, who viciously and without reason attacked me Friday night and again on Saturday. I have never, nor will I ever, injure or instigate any malice toward said mockingbirds. The attacks on me were completely unprovoked and unexpected. I have been nothing but a good neighbor. I even help fertilize the yard on occasion. Maybe I fertilized a little too close to the mockingbirds’ nest and maybe that’s the reason for their attacks. I don’t know. I’m not a mockingbird psychologist. But if I did fertilize a little too close to their nest, it certainly wasn’t out of spite or anything. I mean come on, the only things I do out of spite is eat shoes and drink water too fast so I can throw it up on the oriental rug. Anyway, I am completely innocent of any wrongdoing regarding the mockingbirds. I now wish to move on with my life and put these heinous attacks behind me. Thank you for your understanding.

When Mockingbirds Attack

ST. LOUIS — Chaos broke out last evening when Binki, a 15-year-old mixed breed dog, was suddenly and savagely attacked by a rogue mockingbird. Efforts to contact Binki regarding the horrific event have failed, but witnesses describe the event as “sad” yet “funny” and “hilarious.”

According to witnesses, Binki was strolling through her front yard last evening, enjoying the cooling temperatures and seeking the perfect place to relieve herself, when a mockingbird swooped down from an overhead wire and dive-bombed her tail. Binki did not notice the bird at first, but a second attempt by the bird got her attention, as the bird dived a second time and came closer to Binki’s rear end. Binki ignored the renegade bird, but that tactic proved fruitless as the bird dive-bombed a third time, this time hitting Binki right on the rear end.

Witnesses, who did not rush to help either because they were laughing so hard or they were secretly afraid of getting mauled by the angered bird, next describe Binki high-tailing it for the front door, as fast as her furry little legs could take her.

Later that evening, a return visit to the front yard was thankfully mockingbird-free. Binki was able to recover quickly from the attack and all seemed well.

Unfortunately, the attacks resumed this morning. As Binki entered the front yard, the mockingbird flew from across the street to wires running to the front porch. He was soon joined by a second mockingbird. They sat on the overhead wires directly over Binki, who remained oblivious to the conspiring birds and went about her normal business. A witness walked out in the yard in an effort to scare the birds away and it seemed to work when both birds took flight. The witness then escorted Binki down the sidewalk to continue her morning walk.

However, the birds were not to be deterred and flew into trees just across the street. As the witness and Binki neared the porch, one of the birds struck, nipping Binki right on the rear end. Binki yipped and ran into the house.

Return visits to the front yard have been, needless to say, extremely short.  Sources say mockingbirds are prone to attack domestic cats and dogs and other birds will gather to watch the mockingbirds attack their victim.

Spokespeople for Binki have issued this statement:

Binki wishes to thank everyone who has offered their support while she is dealing with terrorizing mockingbirds. She hopes that this raises awareness of mockingbird attacks in the general public. She would also like to ask the states of Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas to re-think their celebration of violence by revoking the “State Bird” status of the mockingbird. We must make a stand against these dive-bombing demons!

Teaching Sadistics

Matt: What day is it?

Me: It’s Thursday.

Matt: Does Daddy teach class tonight?

Me: Yes, he does.

Matt: What does Daddy teach?

Me: He teaches a type of math – called ‘statistics.’

Matt: Stasticstics?

Me: Sta-tis-tics.

Matt: Stadstictics?

Me: Sta-tis-tics.

Matt: Does he teach his students to ride bikes?

Me: No. It’s math.

Matt: It’s sadistics?

Me: Exactly. Daddy teaches sadistics.