A Guest Post from Brandon – Part 6

They came. My evil potions. No, actually, that’s a lie. When I wanted evil potions, I was too busy fighting jack-o’-lanterns. And they were trying to make the world Halloweeny, even in December and March and the summer. But, I did it anyway. I fought them and squashed them until my leg hurt. And then, finally, they were gone. At least I thought.

Until they jumped on me. I said, “This is not really a dog pile. More like a pumpkin pile.” So I started smashing them, and finally, I finally defeated them all.

And then some dumb guy started knocking washcloths into boxes which contained radioactive, toxic goo. But here’s one thing: I don’t know where the pumpkins came from. Oh wait! There’s a hole over there. It looks like they came from the bottom of the earth.

To be continued . . .

What’s Your White House Nickname?

With all the talk lately of Michael “Brownie” Brown and “Scooter” Libby, I thought I’d ask:

What would your White House nickname be?

I think mine would be “Girl” or “Babe” or “Doll.” Or maybe something not so gender-offensive: “Informer” maybe. That may already be taken.

Brandon said his nickname would be “Link.” (Reference to Zelda, for those who are non-Nintendo owners.)

So, what’s your White House nickname?